Stage 1 (February - June 2019) - Now Complete
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Consultation has concluded
Understanding the needs of our customers and stakeholders
Stage 1 was all about better understanding stakeholder and customer needs and expectations when it comes to our services.
In this stage:
- We extended our South Australian and Retailer Reference Groups to ensure a broad range of business, residential and community stakeholders are represented. The SA Reference Group comprises representatives of:
- Business SA
- Council of the Aging (SA)
- Multicultural Communities Council of SA
- SA Financial Counsellors Association
- Federation of Residents and Ratepayers Assoc (Inc)
- Australian Industry Group
- Property Council of Aust (SA)
- Urban Development Industry Association (SA)
- Consumers SA
- Uniting Communities
- Local Government Association
- We published and distributed our Draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan to stakeholders and sought feedback on our proposed approach to developing our Draft Plan.
- We published the Stage 1 Stakeholder Engagement Report which outlined stakeholder feedback regarding our overall engagement approach.
Stage 2 is now open