Engaging Victorians on the future of our gas networks (July 2023 – June 2028)
Through a joint engagement program, Australian Gas Networks (AGN), AusNet and MultiNet Gas Networks (MGN) have developed Final Plans for the Victorian natural gas distribution network for the five year period commencing July 2023 to June 2028. Customer and stakeholder engagement has underpinned the development of these Final Plans, putting customers at the centre of our planning.
These Final Plans were also developed following extensive engagement on our Draft Plans, which were published in January 2022.
Key aspects of our joint engagement program included regular meetings with our Victorian Gas Network Stakeholder Roundtable and Retailer Reference Group. We also held interactive workshops with business and residential customers in Melbourne and across regional Victoria. We met separately with major customers and worked with industry experts on elements of our proposals for the future of the gas distribution network in Victoria.
View our Final Plans here:
You can view our Draft Plans here:
We adopted a four stage engagement approach.
Stage 1: Research and Strategy (complete)
- Meetings with key stakeholders
- Establish a Victorian Gas Networks Stakeholder Roundtable (VGNSR)
- Engage with our Retailer Reference Group (RRG)
- Developing our Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Stage 2: Developing our Draft Plan (complete)
- Key stakeholder input into developing our proposals through the VGNSR and RRG
- Iterative customer workshops across Victoria with key customers segments (metro and regional)
- Future of Gas dedicated engagement activities
- Engaging with our major customers
Stage 3: Consultation on the Draft Plan (current)
- Publish our Draft Plans for AGN, AusNet Services and MGN and consulting stakeholders and customers on our proposals
- Customer workshops to consult on our Draft Plan
- Combining the VGNSR and RRG
- Dedicated stakeholder engagement on the Future of Gas
Stage 4: Refinement and Ongoing Engagement (upcoming)
- Combined VGNSR and RRG workshops
- Future of Gas engagement activities
- Meetings and briefings with AER Consumer Challenge Panel
- Submission of Final Plans for AGN, AusNet Services and MGN
View the Final Engagement Plan here.
The AER published its Final Decisions in June 2023, and you can view the documents for each network below:
Through a joint engagement program, Australian Gas Networks (AGN), AusNet and MultiNet Gas Networks (MGN) have developed Final Plans for the Victorian natural gas distribution network for the five year period commencing July 2023 to June 2028. Customer and stakeholder engagement has underpinned the development of these Final Plans, putting customers at the centre of our planning.
These Final Plans were also developed following extensive engagement on our Draft Plans, which were published in January 2022.
Key aspects of our joint engagement program included regular meetings with our Victorian Gas Network Stakeholder Roundtable and Retailer Reference Group. We also held interactive workshops with business and residential customers in Melbourne and across regional Victoria. We met separately with major customers and worked with industry experts on elements of our proposals for the future of the gas distribution network in Victoria.
View our Final Plans here:
You can view our Draft Plans here:
We adopted a four stage engagement approach.
Stage 1: Research and Strategy (complete)
- Meetings with key stakeholders
- Establish a Victorian Gas Networks Stakeholder Roundtable (VGNSR)
- Engage with our Retailer Reference Group (RRG)
- Developing our Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Stage 2: Developing our Draft Plan (complete)
- Key stakeholder input into developing our proposals through the VGNSR and RRG
- Iterative customer workshops across Victoria with key customers segments (metro and regional)
- Future of Gas dedicated engagement activities
- Engaging with our major customers
Stage 3: Consultation on the Draft Plan (current)
- Publish our Draft Plans for AGN, AusNet Services and MGN and consulting stakeholders and customers on our proposals
- Customer workshops to consult on our Draft Plan
- Combining the VGNSR and RRG
- Dedicated stakeholder engagement on the Future of Gas
Stage 4: Refinement and Ongoing Engagement (upcoming)
- Combined VGNSR and RRG workshops
- Future of Gas engagement activities
- Meetings and briefings with AER Consumer Challenge Panel
- Submission of Final Plans for AGN, AusNet Services and MGN
View the Final Engagement Plan here.
The AER published its Final Decisions in June 2023, and you can view the documents for each network below:
Gas Network Innovation Scheme (GNIS) - Joint Engagement
by P Jones, about 3 years agoShare Gas Network Innovation Scheme (GNIS) - Joint Engagement on Facebook Share Gas Network Innovation Scheme (GNIS) - Joint Engagement on Twitter Share Gas Network Innovation Scheme (GNIS) - Joint Engagement on Linkedin Email Gas Network Innovation Scheme (GNIS) - Joint Engagement link1 ResponseBetween September 2020 and November 2021 AGIG, Jemena Gas Networks and AusNet Services undertook joint engagement on a Gas Network Innovation Scheme (GNIS). The engagement involved two phases and was supported by KPMG and a stakeholder reference group which included the other gas distribution businesses, the AER, Energy Networks Australia and Energy Consumers Australia.
In Phase 1 we found two-thirds of customers and their representatives were supportive of proceeding to Phase 2, to co-design a GNIS. Retailers were the least supportive cohort of stakeholders, taking overall support to 50%.
In Phase 2, we co-designed a potential scheme and distributed a draft GNIS framework for consultation. Most feedback we received expressed comfort with the draft framework, however, retailers, continue not to support the introduction of a GNIS.
Information regarding GNIS and our joint engagement program can be found in our Resources section.
If you would like to provide feedback regarding GNIS and our joint engagement program, please use the discussion forum below.
Go to discussion -
General Feedback
by P Jones, over 3 years agoShare General Feedback on Facebook Share General Feedback on Twitter Share General Feedback on Linkedin Email General Feedback linkOur future plans are underpinned by effective engagement, capable of being accepted by customers and stakeholders and deliver in the long-term interests of our current and future customers.
In this forum you can share your thoughts on our engagement, provide general comments/feedback on issues of importance to you or ask any questions.
KPMG Independent Review Report (June 2022)
Download the Final Engagement Plan
Customer Workshops
KPMG Final Report - AGN Customer Engagement Program (5.45 MB) (pdf)
AusNet Consultation Report Final (1.95 MB) (pdf)
KPMG Final Report - MGN Customer Engagement Program (5.35 MB) (pdf)
Phase 4 Customer Workshops
Phase 3 Customer Workshops
AGIG Phase 3 Customer Engagement Final Report - March 2022 (1.84 MB) (pdf)
AGN Phase 3 Customer Workshop Presentation (4.05 MB) (pdf)
AGN Phase 3 CALD Customer Workshop Presentation (3.04 MB) (pdf)
AusNet Customer Workshop Listening Report - Phase 1 (419 KB) (pdf)
AusNet Customer Workshop Phase 3 Presentation (6.57 MB) (pdf)
MGN Phase 3 Customer Workshop Presentation (4.27 MB) (pdf)
MGN Phase 3 CALD Customer Workshop Presentation (3.35 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Customer Workshops
AGIG Phase 2 Customer Engagement Final Report (1.61 MB) (pdf)
AGN Customer Phase 2 Workshop Presentation (3.66 MB) (pdf)
AGN Customer Phase 2 Workshop CALD Presentation (4.75 MB) (pdf)
AusNet Customer Workshops Listening Report - Phase 2 (694 KB) (pdf)
AusNet Customer Workshop Phase 2 Presentation (5.86 MB) (pdf)
MGN Customer Phase 2 Workshop Presentation (4.35 MB) (pdf)
MGN Customer Phase 2 Workshop CALD Presentation (7.08 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Customer Workshops
AGIG Phase 1 Customer Engagement Final Report (1.74 MB) (pdf)
AGN Customer Workshop Phase 1 Presentation (3.71 MB) (pdf)
AusNet Customer Workshops Listening Report - Phase 1 (413 KB) (pdf)
AusNet Customer Workshop Phase 1 Presentation (1.57 MB) (pdf)
MGN Customer Workshop Phase 1 Presentation (4.46 MB) (pdf)
Customer Workshop Schedule (136 KB) (pdf)
Victorian Gas Networks Stakeholder Roundtable Meeting Dates and Materials
VGNSR Meeting No. 12 (combined with RRG) - 15 December 2022
VGNSR Meeting No. 11 (combined with RRG) - 10 August 2022
VGNSR Meeting No. 10 - 20 June 2022
VGNSR Meeting No. 9 - 13 May 2022
VGNSR Meeting No. 8 (combined with RRG) - 2 February 2022
Meeting No. 7 (combined with RRG) - 16 December 2021
VGNSR Meeting No. 6 - 17 November 2021
VGNSR Meeting No. 5 - 20 October 2021
Customer Workshop and VCAP Update Roundtable - 13 September 2021
New Member Update - 25 August 2021
VGNSR Meeting No. 4 - 12 August 2021
VGNSR Meeting No. 4 Minutes - 12 August 2021 (334 KB) (pdf)
VGNSR Meeting No. 4 Presentation - 12 August 2021 (5.38 MB) (pdf)
202108_AGIG_ Submission to Victorian Gas Substitution Roadmap consultation.pdf (2.6 MB) (pdf)
Natural and Renewable Gas Critical to Victoria's Energy Future - Media Release - 9 August 2021.pdf (160 KB) (pdf)
Vic Gas Roadmap Consultation Paper - AusNet submission.pdf (383 KB) (pdf)
VGNSR Meeting No. 3 - 27 May 2021
VGNSR Meeting No. 2 - 29 March 2021
VGNSR Meeting No. 1 - 3 March 2021
Victorian Gas Networks Stakeholder Roundtable Terms of Reference (234 KB) (pdf)
Deep Dives
AGIG/AusNet Final Plan Deep Dive No. 2 Presentation - 10 November 2022
AGIG/AusNet Final Plan Deep Dive - 26 August 2022
AGIG/AusNet Future of Gas Deep Dive B - 31 March 2022
AGIG/AusNet Opex Deep Dive - 22 March 2022
AusNet Capex Deep Dive - 15 March 2022
AGIG Capex Deep Dive - 10 March 2022
AGIG/AusNet Future of Gas Deep Dive A - 4 March 2022
Retailer Reference Group Meeting Dates and Materials
RRG No. 11 (combined with VGNSR) - 26 August 2022
RRG No. 10 - 22 June 2022
RRG No. 9 - 17 May 2022
RRG No. 8 (combined with VGNSR) - 2 February 2022
RRG No. 7 (combined with VGNSR) - 16 December 2021
RRG No. 6 - 18 November 2021
RRG No. 5 - 21 October 2021
RRG No. 4 - 16 August 2021
RRG No. 3 - 28 May 2021
RRG No. 2 - 31 March 2021
RRG No. 1 - 11 March 2021
Major Gas User Forum Dates and Materials
Gas Network Innovation Scheme - Documents and Resources
Phase 1
Phase 2
AER Networks Committee_GNIS_30 Nov.pdf (924 KB) (pdf)
Agenda and Pre-Read - Co-design workshop 27 August.pdf (1.08 MB) (pdf)
GNIS draft framework - for consultation.pdf (315 KB) (pdf)
KPMG Phase 2 Report - GNIS Stakeholder Engagement vF.pdf (2.24 MB) (pdf)
Presentation - Co-design workshop 27 AUgust.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
Presentation - Workshop Follow-up 2 Sept DRAFT.pdf (1.05 MB) (pdf)
Retailer Workshop Presentation 22 September.pdf (1.49 MB) (pdf)
Stakeholder Reference Group Meetings
21102020_GNIS - Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting1.pdf (299 KB) (pdf)
16112020_GNIS - Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting2.pdf (397 KB) (pdf)
02122020_GNIS - Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting 3.pdf (638 KB) (pdf)
20210118_GNIS - Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting 4.pdf (312 KB) (pdf)
24062021_GNIS - Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting 5.pdf (581 KB) (pdf)
211007_GNIS - Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting 6.pdf (524 KB) (pdf)
211125_GNIS - Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting 7.pdf (471 KB) (pdf)
Our 4 Stages of Engagement
Stage 1: Research and Strategy (Feb - April 2021)
Engaging Victorians on the future of our gas networks (July 2023 – June 2028) has finished this stage- Meetings with key stakeholders
- Establish a Victorian Gas Networks Stakeholder Roundtable
- Engage with our Retailer Reference Group
- Developing our Stakeholder Engagement plan
Stage 2: Developing our Draft Plan (May - Dec 2021)
Engaging Victorians on the future of our gas networks (July 2023 – June 2028) has finished this stage- Key Stakeholder input into developing our proposals through the Victorian Gas Network Stakeholder Roundtable and Retailer Reference Group
- Iterative customers workshops across Victoria with key customer segments (both metro and regional)
- Future of Gas dedicated engagement activities
- Engaging with our major customers
Stage 3: Consultation on the Draft Plan (Jan - Feb 2022)
Engaging Victorians on the future of our gas networks (July 2023 – June 2028) has finished this stage- Publish our Draft Plans for AGN, AusNet and MGN and consulting stakeholders and customers on our proposals
- Customer workshops to consult on our Draft Plan
- Combining the Victorian Gas Networks Stakeholder Roundtable and Retailer Reference Group
- Dedicated stakeholder engagement on the Future of Gas
Stage 4: Refinement and Ongoing Engagement (Feb - July 2022)
Engaging Victorians on the future of our gas networks (July 2023 – June 2028) is currently at this stage- Combined Victorian Gas Networks Roundtable and Retailer Reference Group workshops
- Future of Gas engagement activities
- Meetings and briefings with AER Consumer Challenge Panel
- Submission of Final Plans for AGN, AusNet Services and MGN
Key Project Milestones
03 March 2021
03 March → 29 March 2021
April 2021
March → May 2021
01 July 2021
July 2021
17 January 2022
17 January → 28 February 2022
01 July 2022
Future of Gas
Other Resources
AGN Vic Draft Plan 2023-28 (5.12 MB) (pdf)
AusNet Gas Access Arrangement 2024-28 Draft Proposal (2.4 MB) (pdf)
MGN Vic Draft Plan 2023-28 (5.17 MB) (pdf)
Developing our five year plans - a timeline of key activities (211 KB) (pdf)
Draft Engagement Plan - Engaging Victorians on the Future of our Networks (4.12 MB) (pdf)
AusNet GAAR Reference Service Proposal (1.25 MB) (pdf)
AGN VIC & Albury Distribution Networks Reference Service Proposal (1.16 MB) (pdf)
Multinet Distribution Network Reference Service Proposal (1.51 MB) (pdf)
AGIG Submission to Victorian Gas Substitution Roadmap Consultation (2.6 MB) (pdf)
Natural and Renewable Gas Critical to Victoria's Energy Future - Media Release - 9 August 2021 (160 KB) (pdf)
Vic Gas Roadmap Consultation Paper - AusNet submission (383 KB) (pdf)
How is your gas bill calculated? Animation - Final (1).mp4 (40.2 MB) (mp4)
Who's Listening
Manager Customer & Strategy