Engaging Customers and Stakeholders for a Sustainable Future - Developing our future plans for the South Australian network - July 2026 to June 2031
We are a critical part of the energy supply chain here in South Australia by delivering natural gas to more than 480,000 homes and businesses through the Australian Gas Networks distribution network. We have begun developing our future plans for the 2026/27 – 2030/31 period (the next Access Arrangement (AA) period), which sets out how we plan to invest in our South Australian networks that will deliver for our current and future customers.
We will submit our final plan to the Australian Energy Regulator by 1 July 2025.
We are proposing a five-stage engagement approach.
Stage 1: Strategy and Research (complete)
- Re-establish key relationships and meet with new stakeholders and customers
- Publish and consult on a Draft Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Plan
- Refresh and re-establish our South Australian Reference Group
- Engage with the Retailer Reference Group
Stage 2: Developing our Draft Plan (current)
- SA Reference Group meetings
- Iterative customer workshops across South Australia
- Retailer Reference Group meetings
- Briefings with key stakeholders such as regulatory bodies and relevant energy networks
Stage 3: Consultation on our Draft Plan (upcoming)
- Publish and distribute our Draft Plan and consult stakeholders and customers on our proposal
- Briefings with key stakeholders such as regulatory bodies
- Customer workshops to consult on the Draft Plan
- Combined deep dive workshops for SA Reference Group and Retailer Reference Group meetings
Stage 4: Refinement and Engagement (upcoming)
- Undertake any further engagement as required
- Briefings with key stakeholders such as regulatory bodies
- Combined deep dive workshops for SA Reference Group and Retailer Reference Group meetings
- Submission of our Final Plan to the AER by July 2025
Stage 5: Post-Lodgement Engagement (upcoming)
- Fit for purpose engagement activities designed to address specific feedback from the AER
You can view our Final Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Plan here.