South Australia - Developing Our Future Plans for July 2021 to June 2026
We engaged extensively with our customers and stakeholders to develop our Final Plan that will deliver for South Australian customers into the future.
Commencing in March 2019, we engaged with customers and stakeholders to help shape and inform our plans.
We adopted a staged approach to our engagement program to support the development of our plans.
Key aspects of our engagement program included regular meetings with our South Australian and Retailer Reference Groups to explain our plans and receive feedback from customers. We held 22 interactive workshops with business and residential customers in metropolitan Adelaide and across regional South Australia. We introduced new and innovative tools to assist customers in understanding some of the complexities including how prices are set and the regulatory building blocks. We met separately with major customers and worked with industry experts on a co-design process to consider how AGN can better support vulnerable customers. We also consulted widely on our Draft Plan during February and March 2020.
Gas Matters was introduced as our online engagement platform. More information about our Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Program can be found in the Resources section including:-
- Draft Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
- Stage 1 Stakeholder Engagement Report
- Draft Plan (February 2020)
- All SA and Retailer Reference Group meeting agendas, presentations and minutes
- KPMG Customer Engagement, Co-design and Draft Plan Workshop Reports
We lodged our Final Plan with the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) on 1 July 2020.
In November 2020, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released its Draft Decision for AGN’s South Australian gas distribution network. The Draft Decision provides the AER’s preliminary views on our Final Plan, which outlined the activities and investments we proposed to undertake over the 2021/22 to 2025/26 period.
We lodged our Final Plan with the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) on 1 July 2020.
In November 2020, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released its Draft Decision for AGN’s South Australian gas distribution network. The Draft Decision provides the AER’s preliminary views on our Final Plan, which outlined the activities and investments we proposed to undertake over the 2021/22 to 2025/26 period.
AGN's revised proposal was due n January 2021, with submissions on the Draft Decision and the Revised AA Proposal due 17 February 2021.
The AER published its Final Decision in April 2021, and you can view the document here.